Forging A Future For The Past

About Me

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Starting at a very young age in the Boy Scouting movement, I grew fascinated by the outdoors. There wasn't a day that I spent in the woods as a child that I didn't learn more in nature than I did in school in a month. Being described as an "old soul" I took to learning everything I could about the old ways.My respect and thirst for knowledge for the environment and the handcrafts of old were insatiable. From the first time as a child that I shot my father's 50 caliber Hawken rifle I knew I was hooked. Seeing the blacksmiths at the county fair only fueled my desire to do something great with my life other than work and pay taxes until my death. I choose not to just exist, I choose to bring back the old and good days of previous centuries and share them with everyone who takes an interest. My days of Boy Scouting sculpted my moral and ethical behavior of today. They gave me a sense of adventure, obliterating fear of the unknown and gave me the strength to forge a path in my life that most never give any thought to take. I own Howling Pines Blacksmithing, a blacksmith shop with the main purpose of being a demo based museum....Dwight McGee III

Howling Pines

Howling Pines
My favorite place to be, working in my shop, making coals for my dutch oven dinner with Ira Gray's outhouse in the background

1880s goat wagon

1880s goat wagon
As found condition of course with necessary repairs, hand carved spokes and new felloe and reset the tire

Crossing The Decades

Crossing The Decades
Mountainmen weren't all decked out in buckskins as in most books. Sometimes wearing traded adornments and whatever they could pick up at rendezvous

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Camp Boyhaven Klondike Derby 2015

This coming weekend 1/7/2015 we will be at the Klondike Derby in the Boyhaven Boy Scout Camp,
This year we will actually be a stop on the boys trail "In Search of Bigfoot" As usual we will be demonstrating our favorite time period which is the late 1800s. We will be boiling traps, have muskets and original accoutrements from that period. The Scouts have to demonstrate cooperation,
respect,, and just pay attention to what we happen to be showing at the time. The Scouts earn points
1-5, 5 being the best. Hope to see you all there!

Hunter/Trappers of the 1800s

Hunter/Trappers of the 1800s
There nothing more fun than enjoying a past-time and a daily way of life as we do as a family. My cousin/brother Dick, my dad and myself.